Funeral Business Productivity: What Is It And How Do I Measure It?

Productivity growth is frequently praised by governments, business community, and the media.​Both as proof of a healthy economy and as a solution to generally improving standards. Yet there

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Benefits of Archiving Data

Archiving.This has become a common practice in the modern world. The notion of archiving tends to fall somewhere in between a meticulously organized filing cabinet and that random

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Paper vs. Digital Workflows

Let's play a game. I am going to give you a list of 10 statements and if it applies to you, give yourself a point.My company regularly utilizes physical

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Spend less time on calls and paperwork in your Mortuary Transport business and make more money

Time equals money. It's an old cliché that we have all heard but how much do you apply it in your transport business? Have you figured out how much

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Personal Effects Tracking: Ensuring the Safe Handling of Belongings in Decedent Transportation

The loss of a loved one is a difficult time for families, and entrusting the care of their belongings to a funeral home or transport company is an

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MorTrack Platform: A Comprehensive Solution for Decedent Management

In today's fast-paced world, funeral homes and hospice care providers need advanced tools to help them manage their decedent transportation and logistics processes. MorTrack is a comprehensive platform

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Removal Services in the Digital Age: A Look at Technological Advances

The removal services industry has undergone significant transformation in recent years, with the emergence of innovative technologies designed to streamline processes and improve efficiency. MorTrack, a cutting-edge decedent

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Decedent Logistics: Streamlining Processes for Funeral Homes and Hospice Care

Decedent logistics plays a vital role in ensuring that funeral homes and hospice care facilities can effectively manage their workflow and provide the highest level of care for

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Hire for empathy, utilize systems for the rest.

For those of you who attended the ICCFA, one of the ideas that resonated with attendees and was a repeating topic from the keynote speakers was the importance

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Trust, but verify

Over the years tracking inventory for clients, I have seen many companies rise and fall. Some from external issues, some from change management failures, and some from holding

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