MorTrack: Redefining
Funeral Home & Business

  • Slash your expenses 30%,
  • Stop the paperwork madness,
  • Minimize your custody risk,
  • Make a huge impression on your clients.

MorTrack funeral business software will help you run your business more efficiently and with less headaches.

MorTrack: Redefining Funeral Business Efficiency.

Slash your expenses 30%, Stop the paperwork madness, Minimize your custody risk, Make a huge impression on your clients.

Customers served! 9831 Digital Documents completed Last month - Feb 2024.
Customers served! 9831 Minutes saved with mortrack
Customers served! $ 9831 dollars saved by funeral business owners

These are real numbers from real clients, dollar estimates based on $100/hour service fee and monthly numbers.

Customers served! 9831 Digital Documents completed LAST month - June 2024
Customers served! 9831 Minutes saved with mortrack
Customers served! $ 9831 dollars saved by funeral business owners
Customers served! 9831 Digital Documents completed Last month - Feb 2024
Customers served! 9831 Minutes saved with mortrack
Customers served! $ 9831 dollars saved by funeral business owners

These are real numbers from real clients, dollar estimates based on $100/hour service fee and monthly numbers.

What Clients Say

As a funeral director, I must always keep track of my Removal Tech's and their locations. MorTrack is a great tool that allows me to monitor the site and status of cases in progress.

Johanna B. Final Passage

MorTrack has allowed my team to work more efficiently with less paper. As a result we can provide our Funeral Home clients with a more transparent service.
I love the fact it's user friendly and has improved both productivity amongst the drivers and made life easier for our dispatch and accounting teams.

Chalie P. First Call

Our funeral home is more organized and efficient than ever. MorTrack helps us be on time and run our business more efficiently.

Holmes H. Passing Transport

3 Super Easy Steps To Get Started


Start a Free Trial: 


Schedule a Consult

Take advantage of our industry experts and have a conversation about how you can build and grow your business quicker and easier.


Try a Free Demo Account

Once you have learned about all the advantages MorTrack can help your business with, take the software for a test drive on us.

20 Exclusive Reasons Why

you need MorTrack Software

#1: The first in the industry with UDID electronic tracking

Sure there are funeral software companies who sell accounting applications, CRM tools, and other programs that boast about having an inventory functions.

Because tracking items that are not unique is straight forward. However by adding a Uniquely Device IDentifiable Items (UDID) into the mix - things get exponentially more complicated.

With over 14 years of software development and real world use cases managing UDID's in production, MorTrack is the leader in funeral chain-of-custody tracking software. This UDID experience goes into streamlined workflows, enhanced error correction algorithms and the reliability of tracking uniquely identifiable items.

Trust your brand with funeral business software that focuses on real traceability and chain-of-custody management.

#2: First and Only ISO Compliant App in Funeral Industry

Mortrack is the first and only ISO 8000 application that ensures data accuracy and portability in the funeral industry.
This means that MorTrack minimize typos, inconsistencies, and duplication, saving you time and money.

When your data is formatting correctly it means that you get improved accuracy, enhanced security, and easier recordkeeping.

Your data will not only be compliant and uniformly consistent, it will also talk with other ISO 8000 compliant applications seamlessly, allowing you to share data with different partners."

#3: Your data is yours - we take privacy VERY seriously.

We don’t collect, spy on, or sell your data. Your business is yours. Our goal is to help you achieve business growth while providing the best user experience and transparency to your clients.

Have you ever had a conversation with someone, then later that day you get advertisements for similar products on your phone?

That is because ""you"" are the product.

There is a reason that a lot of the software in the world is free. Because your data is sold as the revenue source for these companies.

Meaning you are the product.

Not with MorTrack. Your data is yours and will always be kept private.

Control what information you release and when its released to partners, families, and the general public.  

Your Data is Yours
#4: MorTrack customers have ALL increased capacity by at least 30% 

Based on actual client growth data. We have witnessed MorTrack clients over the last 3 years increase case counts by at least 30% in the first year.

30% more productivity.

30% more profit.

Imagine that for a minute.

What would your business look like at least 30% better by just using a funeral business software tool?

Better systems that foster more efficient use of time lead to happier employees and a more consistent experience delivery to clients.  

MorTrack's success is reliant on your success.  Let us help you succeed this year too.  

#5: Unmatched Efficiency in Case Management.

Deathcare case management comes down to how information is handled.

Who has the ability to collect and transfer this information in the fastest and most effectively is able to drive the speed and effectiveness of the rest of your team.

So much time is wasted entering data in less than ideal situations or simply the worst possible time.

Spend more time with families and clients and less on transferring information from one system to another.

This leads to errors by phone, text, email and paper documentation.

By streamlining the data entry, tracking, and reporting, it helps your funeral business operating more efficiently and will impress your customers.

#6: Enhanced Liability Protection with Digital Chain of Custody

MorTrack's digital chain of custody tracking provides meticulous record-keeping for each case, significantly reducing your liability risks.

Ensure that every step in the service process is documented and traceable, offering both your business and clients peace of mind through enhanced accountability and transparency.

Sleep well knowing that your business is doing everything possible to enhance the Next-of-Kin experience, limit liabilities and side step potential lawsuits in the future.

Plus, your business will be ahead of the competition when State regulations are enforced that require electronic tracking and more enhanced case transparency.  

#7: Go Paperless

Embrace a fully digital approach, eliminating the need for physical paperwork and reducing environmental impact.

Eliminate the Number 1 complaint in the industry!

No more paperwork.

No more writing the same information over and over. 

No more trying to read bad handwriting.

No more lost papers.

No more filing.

No more headaches.

MorTrack will help you streamline your business and archive everything in our ultra secure data vaults. Transform your business into the digital world.

#8: Enhancing Your Customer Experience

Provide a seamless, professional service with digital chain-of-custody and electronic signatures, boosting customer satisfaction.

The customer experience starts from the first interaction with your team and ends long after the bill is paid.  

A customer comes back because they are looking for a similar experience or level of service.  

At the end of the day your client wants seamless service.  Give your team and contractors the tools to easily supply your front line customer service team the most up-to-the-minute info on each case.  

Customer satisfaction comes out of a consistent and repeatable experience.

Every client wants to know what to expect next.

#9: Real-Time Removal Technician Tracking

Keep tabs on the whereabouts and status of removal technicians, enhancing coordination and response times.

MorTrack offers a real-time map showing where each removal tech is along with their current capacity while on duty.

The power of a smartphone is that your RT's most likely already have one, they know how to use it, and why buy expensive hardware and additional services to track mileage, location, and available capacity.  

With MorTrack the RT's location data is polled at regular intervals to provide dispatch personnel the knowledge of who is available along with their ability to be assigned additional cases.

#10: Itemized and Transparent Billing

When was the last time you went to a restaurant and didn't get an itemized bill?

Why do you expect that?  Do you feel more willing to spend money at a restaurant when they itemize?  

When you are able to note and account for every item you used on a case this allows both you and your client to see everything that went into providing your service.

Typically, a great deal of "extras" like body bags, gloves, and other add-ons that go into a case do not get charged for.  On your next contract renewal with a coroner  you can have the knowledge and data to back up increases to support your level of service.

With MorTrack you can both recoup these expenses and show your clients all the little extras that you provide in your service. Even if later you discount them. 

We have never met a customer who didn't want to know what they are paying for.

#11: Customizable Branding Options

Offer a personalized touch with a branded portal for funeral homes and clients that continues your brand’s professional image to mobile devices and information portals.

Your clients are struggling with some of the toughest moments of their lives. These little touches of continuity shows them that they are trusting their loved one to professionals. These touches give them comfort. It makes them feel better.

When you're dealing with business partners, having customized and branded documents and your own tracking portal absolutely gives you an advantage over your competition. Provide a new level of professionalism to everyone you do business with.

And feel a new level of pride in your business.

#12: Secure Data Management

Ensure the utmost security and confidentiality of sensitive information with our robust data management system.

With redundant HIPAA compliant servers and data centers, MorTrack provides the up-time as well as security protocols to remove concern that your data could be at risk.

Built on the same technology and infrastructure used by department of defense, fortune 100 companies such as Google, NTT, Honeywell, Sanofi, and many more. When you use MorTrack software you can be confident that your organization's  data is safe and secure from competitors, hackers and would be thieves.

#13: User-Friendly Interface

Enjoy an intuitive and easy-to-navigate software interface, making it simple for all staff members to use as well as lowers churn related to manual processes and duplicated efforts. 

Hire for soft skills like empathy and demeanor, backfill their weaknesses such as poor writing skills, inconsistent form completion and incomplete processing by streamlining their efforts. 

An easy and pleasant experience with software is key to getting the most out of your employees. We build our apps to ensure you don't get software fatigue and at the end of the day your employees have collected more information on how to do better, faster and more accurately.

Shuffling paper will never provide you the feedback you need to grow.

#14: Scalable to Your Business Needs

MorTrack is designed to scale with your business, whether you're managing a few cases a month or teams of removal techs all on many cases each day.

As your business grows, you will need more and better tools. You cannot build an entire house with just a hammer and screwdriver. This is why most businesses get stuck at a certain level. They don't upgrade their tools that allow them to do more with the same resources.

MorTrack software grows with your business. Our unique and innovative system is both highly cost effective and allows you extreme flexibility to work with your business as it is growing.

Plus we can work with you on custom applications. If you need a feature that isn't in the software today, we are happy to investigate and see about adding those features to MorTrack.

Remember, what got you here, may not get you where you want to go next.  

#15: Dedicated White Glove Customer Support

Benefit from our dedicated support team, ready to assist you with any queries or issues to ensure smooth operation.

Imagine if you could call up Google, Intuit or the IRS when you had a question, and get an answer on the first call? From a human being.

That would be amazing.

At MorTrack, we grew up in a time when it was possible to call a manufacturer and a human answered the phone. This person was knowledgeable and even friendly (most of the time). We really liked that experience, and we want to continue to provide that level of service.

If you tried to call us today, a human answers the phone. If you text or message us, you won't be talking to a bot. You'll be talking to a real person who knows the program, understand the higher purpose of the job you are doing, and even if we don't know the full depth of your situation, We will do our best to ensure your issue is resolved and you can go about your work.  

We empathize with the importance for the MorTrack application to be a benefit to your life and organization. and never another thing to manage.

#16: Comprehensive Reporting Features

In the age of information. what good is it if you cannot access the results of your efforts? MorTrack is built to collect data as well as offer it for viewing in ways to offer insights into ways to make incremental changes.

With access to a wide berth of reporting tools that cover removal tech efforts, vehicle mileage, routes taken, teams assigned, chain-of-custody timestamps, consumable usage and so much more.  

Get to know where you make money and where your expenses are independently from what your accounting system can show is powerful tool when auditing who are good customers, and which ones end up costing you money to do business with. 

Be in the know, with MorTrack 

#17: Cloud-Based Accessibility

Who really wants to be tied to a desktop computer. In the age of smartphones and laptops. Access from the anywhere should be a given.

MorTrack is designed from the ground up to be a fluid, multi-device application. By using the electronic devices that match the use case only makes sense to us.

Why require users to carry a laptop when a smart phone is the right tool for the job? Sure some functions need more screen space to show all of the information or options. That is why some features and functions are best viewed on a computer monitor over a phone screen.

You don't run your business by limiting your view.  Similar to looking through a paper towel tube, so Why limit your ability to run applications to a desktop computer or attempt to run everything from your phone?

MorTrack fosters using the right digital tool for the job whenever possible.  

#18: Alerts and Notifications

There is a thing such as too many notifications. Imagine getting a notification every time you spend money - That would turn into noise very quickly.

That is why in MorTrack users are alerted to new tasks assignments or status where attention is required.

Then on the customer side; emails and a user portal is accessible to share selected and limited information to next of kin and funeral homes when approved by you to the provider.

#19: Integration with Existing Systems

MorTrack can integrate with your existing tools and software, ensuring a cohesive workflow.

Every organization, and workflow is different. Yet we are all working towards the same goal of a great customer experience and sustainable profits. To achieve both we need to talk to other software platforms you already use.

Talk to one of our team members about how we can bring case details into and out of MorTrack.

#20: Training and Resource Materials

Receive comprehensive training and resource materials to ensure your team can fully leverage MorTrack's capabilities.

MorTrack will customize your training with you about how you do things, and how you want things taught to your team.

MorTrack is truly customized software for your business.

Then when it comes time for training, we teach your way.

Remember that our success relies on your usage of the platform.

So it is in both of our best interest to be good trainers and have great resources to learn how MorTrack works. Give us a shot. We won't let you down.

And.. Even More Reasons Why

you need MorTrack Funeral Home Software

Digital Archive of all your Documents.

In today's fast-paced funeral service industry, having immediate access to vital documents is not just a convenience—it's a necessity. MorTrack revolutionizes this aspect with its digital archive feature, ensuring that all your important documents are just a click away.

Imagine the ease of accessing any case file, contract, or record from anywhere, at any time. This digital archive eliminates the cumbersome, time-consuming process of sifting through physical paperwork, dramatically speeding up case management and response times.

With MorTrack, you're not just going paperless – you're stepping into a world where efficiency meets accessibility. Every document is securely stored, easily retrievable, and impeccably organized, giving you peace of mind that everything is done properly..

Emotional Support For Your Employees

View The Health Of Your Organization From A New Perspective.

The funeral services industry is one of the most difficult businesses to work in. The emotional state of your employees is critical to your success.

From the first removal by a new employee, to a tenured removal tech. A decedent case that hits close to home, by decedent age group, collection situation or initial condition can weigh heavily on the emotional health of a removal tech.

Compound this day-to-day emotional exposure with road conditions, workload and personal expectations to perform to a high level can lead to poor responses to future situations.

Giving users the easy-to-capture feedback reduces the "boil-over" effect when it comes to emotional health.

  • Professional Support Alliance - FPPS alliance offers a valuable resource for users - A real human to talk to that has walked a mile in your shoes. Talk or text to a peer when it's most needed or most convenient for you.
  • Aggregate Feedback by Organization - As management, when feedback is reviewed in a vacuum is not as useful as when its placed against a company wide, then industry wide responses offers real reference point. The ability to see what are good days, bad days and when to intervene to keep an employee happy and productive can make all the difference.
  • When to Intervene - Death is a fact of life. How the emotional impact is managed is rarely discussed. Sharing feedback gives an outlet for the user that not only relieves tensions, but offers a way for management to provide better systems to ensure employee health and satisfaction.

"Emotional support feedback has changed our business."
First Call of Colorado

Unique Tracking Identification

MorTrack offers many options to connect decedent identification to movements in and throughout your funeral home, removal service, or mortuary. Use any combination of the following:

  • Existing hospital ID bands, Unique ID's using Data matrix and QR codes from third-party systems.
  • Cremation slugs, Hybrid QR ankle/wrist bands with space for handwriting.
  • Scanning any one of the ID tags assigned to a case within MorTrack will return to the user case-specific details.

Have a printer on site?
MorTrack includes a print driver to print or encode ID tags and location labels.

Email, SMS, and Push Notifications

Integrates with QuickBooks and your most used tools

It's super simple to integrate MorTrack with QuickBooks and all the other tools that you use in your business. We've made it easy. And if there is a tool you’d like us to integrate with, our developers are happy to talk with you and see about how to make this a reality.

White Glove Support and Development

At MorTrack, we understand that exceptional service is paramount to your funeral home. 

That's why we offer our White Glove Service — a testament to our commitment to care and precision in every aspect of our software support.

This service goes beyond the standard, providing personalized assistance to ensure that your experience with MorTrack is seamless and tailored to your specific needs.

Whether it's setup, customization, or ongoing support, our dedicated team is there to guide you every step of the way, ensuring that MorTrack not only meets but exceeds your expectations. 

With our White Glove Service, you're not just getting software; you're getting a partner who is as dedicated to your service quality as you are.

See how MorTrack and change your life and business.