Removal Techs, Drivers & Service providers

MorTrack was created specifically for the funeral services industry to help administer and run your business more efficiently and effectively.

second level

Removal Technicians & Drivers

Receive alerts on smartphones and tablets of new pending assignments, receive location information, and contact personnel as you travel to the pick-up.

Quickly document personal effects, collect signatures on electronic forms that limit your time, and exposure on-site with family members or other agencies.

Know Before You Go!

The MorTrack mobile app is specifically designed for the deathcare industry.

Workflows are based on the funeral home and removal company's best practices combined with years of high volume and high-value logistics industry experience to develop a robust mobile app for use with Apple and Android phones and tablets. Utilize off-the-shelf hardware to streamline the mobile logistics and keep the focus on the family, not the technology.

With MorTrack's assigned case view, RTs can prepare mentally and physically for what is in store when they arrive on site. Be prepared for specific PPE requirements or the time to lug equipment up a large number of stairs. Knowing is half the battle!

Increase Clarity and Visibility

Receive alerts of new pending requests and assignments which allows removal techs to quickly accept and prioritize assignments.

Have the right resources for the case, know the weight, and the number of flights of stairs if personal protective equipment is recommended. Limit exposure and unnecessary time on site.

Identify and Inventory Personal Effects in a Jiffy

Removal Techs can fly through documentation using customizable questions that complete multiple forms in the background while taking an inventory of personal effects with the releasing parties.

Ensuring the families know and agree to what is going on with the case and what is not.

Save future drama by tracking personal effects and consumables used on each case in a format that's difficult to dispute when combined with photos and notes.

Electronic Forms with e-Signatures Reduce Time on Site

Removal techs have consistently and repeatedly reduced the time spent on collection and delivery sites by more than 35 minutes per case using MorTrack as compared to other electronic or other systems available to the Deathcare industry.

Reduce Stress & Help Your Fellow Industry Professionals

There is no disputing that the job of a removal tech is an incredibly difficult one.

Sometimes the ability to talk with someone who understands the emotional load you carry is vital to avoiding burnout and maintaining a positive emotional outlook on life.

Within the MorTrack mobile app, RTs can leave feedback on key metrics describing their emotional state after difficult cases, or one where the circumstances might be "too close to home".

This feedback is unique to each user. The aggregate data is shared with the management team who can choose to act on feedback or gain an understanding of when to assign a different RT to spread that emotional load across the team.

Latest Resources

Helping Heal Wounds: Rebuilding a Shaken Industry from Within
The Future of Funerals: How SB2643, the “Reestablishing Integrity in Death Care Act,”  Is Changing the Game

No Risk

Training included

Be the “go-to resource” for timely, consistent and reliable removals in your area.

Schedule a personalized walk-through with one of our specialists below.

There's NO RISK in trying MorTrack with free trials and no cost onboarding.