MorTrack for Funeral Homes

MorTrack was created specifically for the funeral services industry to help administer and run your business more efficiently and effectively. Funeral homes are the most visible entities in the industry, and also take the most blame when things don't happen as they were intended.

Funeral Homes

For Funeral Homes, MorTrack provides tracking and chain-of-custody management from the first call to the procession line.  

By providing visibility through each step of the decedents journey. MorTrack is able to provide relevant parties the information they need, when they need it.  Because oversharing isn't caring - It's dangerous.  

Timely Case Information

As a funeral home, using MorTrack or by contracting with a transport service who uses MorTrack; you'll receive consistent and legible case information every time, even before the provider has delivered the case.

Chain-of-Custody and Personal Effects

The chain-of-custody starts before the decedent is ever collected. Receive information once using electronic processes to ensure the time spent with each case is focused on the soft skills of human interactions.

Leave documentation, personal effects cataloging, and chain of custody logistics management to a world-class mobile application built specifically for the needs of the deathcare industry. 

Time & Resource Management

Time and resource management is one of the most important part of growing a successful organization.

By tracking process times automatically your team can begin to see how to reduce efforts, combine manual or repeatable tasks that all yield to efficiency gains making your organization more revenue per case.

Customer Confidence

Customer confidence is heavily weighted by your customer’s perception of; attitude, efficiency, consistency, and reliability.

A deficiency in any one area can cause your client to become critical of your offerings. 

One way to ensure clients’ confidence in a funeral home’s services is to provide undeniable proof of the loved one’s journey.


Latest Resources

Helping Heal Wounds: Rebuilding a Shaken Industry from Within
The Future of Funerals: How SB2643, the “Reestablishing Integrity in Death Care Act,”  Is Changing the Game

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